• Bat exclusion is the process of sealing off all entry points and preventing bats from re-entering your property. While some property owners may attempt to exclude bats on their own, [...]

  • If you have a bat infestation in your home or property, it's important to call in a professional bat removal and exclusion company. Not only can bats pose health hazards [...]

  • Bats have long been associated with the transmission of rabies. While it is true that bats can carry the rabies virus, it is important to understand that not all bats [...]

  • Bats need an opening as small as ¼ inch x1 inch to enter a structure. Chewing animals such as squirrels can create openings in sofit and fascia materials, in [...]

  • Bat houses have their place but provide only temporary habitation for bats. They are primarily used by bats on the hottest nights of summer. Overnight temperatures must be sufficiently [...]

  • Bat Free LLC has had customers express the sentiments that if the bats stay in the attic there is little danger with regard to any effect on the living [...]

  • If a bat were to get into my house, how would I safely remove it? Wearing GLOVES, use a container to capture the bat as illustrated above. Do not touch [...]

  • Recent data suggest that transmission of rabies virus can occur from minor, seemingly unimportant, or unrecognized bites from bats. Human and domestic animal contact with bats should be minimized, [...]

  • A respiratory illness associated with bat guano is called Histoplasmosis. It begins in the lungs but has also been known to attack other organs such as the eyes.  It is contracted [...]

  • At Bat Free LLC we have heard many customers say that bats fly south for the winter.  Is that true? It is not true of all bat species. In the [...]